Last modified: December 2024

AHELP for CIAO 4.17 Sherpa


Context: info


Show the XSPEC abundance values.


show_xsabund(outfile=None, clobber=False)



Example 1

Display the current abundance table and values:

>>> show_xsabund()
Solar Abundance Table:
angr  Anders E. & Grevesse N. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 53, 197 (1989)
  H : 1.000e+00  He: 9.770e-02  Li: 1.450e-11  Be: 1.410e-11  B : 3.980e-10
  C : 3.630e-04  N : 1.120e-04  O : 8.510e-04  F : 3.630e-08  Ne: 1.230e-04
  Na: 2.140e-06  Mg: 3.800e-05  Al: 2.950e-06  Si: 3.550e-05  P : 2.820e-07
  S : 1.620e-05  Cl: 3.160e-07  Ar: 3.630e-06  K : 1.320e-07  Ca: 2.290e-06
  Sc: 1.260e-09  Ti: 9.770e-08  V : 1.000e-08  Cr: 4.680e-07  Mn: 2.450e-07
  Fe: 4.680e-05  Co: 8.320e-08  Ni: 1.780e-06  Cu: 1.620e-08  Zn: 3.980e-08

Example 2

The output can be written to a file or a file-like instance, such as a StringIO object:

>>> from io import StringIO
>>> buffer = StringIO()
>>> show_xsabund(buffer)
>>> txt = buffer.getvalue()


The parameters for this function are:

Parameter Type information Definition
outfile str, file-like, or None, optional If not given the results are displayed to the screen, otherwise it is the file name (string) or file-like object to write the results to.
clobber bool, optional If `outfile` is not none , then this flag controls whether an existing file can be overwritten ( True ) or if it raises an exception ( False , the default setting).

Changes in CIAO

Added in CIAO 4.17

XSPEC version

CIAO 4.17 comes with support for version 12.14.0k of the XSPEC models. This can be checked with the following:

% python -c 'from sherpa.astro import xspec;


See the bugs pages on the Sherpa website for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

See Also

get_xsabund, get_xsabundances, set_xsabund, set_xsabundances