Restore the system defaults for a parameter file.
punlearn(paramfile) punlearn(paramlist)
This function is essentially the same as the command-line version (see "ahelp tools punlearn").
The input value can be one of:
- a string containing a single name - e.g. "dmcopy"
- a list of names, such as ["dmextract","dmlist","dmcopy"]
Note that punlearn() does not accept a Param_File object - i.e. the output of paramopen().
The paramio module is not available by default; see "ahelp paramio" for information on loading the module.
>>> from paramio import * >>> punlearn("dmextract") >>> punlearn(["dmextract","dmlist","dmcopy"]) >>> parlist = ["dmextract","dmlist","dmcopy"] >>> punlearn(parlist)
This example shows the different ways that punlearn() can be used.