Download and install CIAO, CALDB, MARX, and the contributed script files
bash ciao-install bash ciao-install --help
The ciao-install script is designed to simplify and automate the installation and upgrade of the CIAO software and of the Chandra Calibration DataBase (CALDB). It downloads the necessary files, verifies and installs them, configures the installation, and then runs a quick test of the system (the smoke tests). It is strongly suggested that these tests are run to check that the installation succeeded.
The ciao-install script is downloaded from the ciao-install download page. After downloading, it must be run using the bash shell. The default settings provide a full installation with the base calibration database (without the ACIS or HRC blank sky background files), but this selection can be changed via the command-line options to the script. Please check the Platform support page for information on the systems for which CIAO is available.
If there are any problems installing CIAO, such as smoke tests failures, please refer to the Installation and Smoke Tests bugs page and, if this does not help you, the CXC Help Desk.
Example 1
$ bash ciao-install
Without any command line parameter the script will prompt the user for the download directory and the installation directory (which may be the same directory, and can be set to "." to use the current working directory).
Download directory for tar files: ./download CIAO installation directory: /opt/install_dir Downloading Conda... Verifying Conda... Installing: ciao sherpa contrib caldb For Linux Downloading environment files for Linux... Installing segments... Fixing install... Fixing top to: /opt/install_dir/ciao-4.16 DONE! CIAO configuration is complete... CIAO 4.16.0 Monday, November 13, 2023 bindir : /opt/install_dir/ciao-4.16/bin CALDB : 4.10.7 Re-indexing ahelp system Running smoke tests Requested test suite includes 37 tests [1/37] Running test ahelp-smoke001 ... PASS [2/37] Running test dm-smoke001 ... PASS [3/37] Running test dm-smoke002 ... PASS [4/37] Running test dm-smoke003 ... PASS [5/37] Running test dm-smoke004 ... PASS [6/37] Running test dm-smoke005 ... PASS [7/37] Running test dm-smoke006 ... PASS [8/37] Running test dm-smoke007 ... PASS [9/37] Running test ds9-smoke001 ... PASS [10/37] Running test ipython-smoke001 ... PASS [11/37] Running test ipython-smoke002 ... PASS [12/37] Running test obsvis-smoke004 ... PASS [13/37] Running test sherpa-smoke001 ... PASS [14/37] Running test tools-ape-smoke001 ... PASS [15/37] Running test tools-arfcorr-smoke001 ... PASS [16/37] Running test tools-asphist-smoke001 ... PASS [17/37] Running test tools-asphist-smoke002 ... PASS [18/37] Running test tools-csmooth-smoke001 ... PASS [19/37] Running test tools-dmcoords-smoke001 ... PASS [20/37] Running test tools-dmcoords-smoke002 ... PASS [21/37] Running test tools-dme-smoke001 ... PASS [22/37] Running test tools-dme-smoke002 ... PASS [23/37] Running test tools-dmstat-smoke001 ... PASS [24/37] Running test tools-dmstat-smoke002 ... PASS [25/37] Running test tools-dmstat-smoke003 ... PASS [26/37] Running test tools-hpe-smoke001 ... PASS [27/37] Running test tools-mkacisrmf-smoke001 ... PASS [28/37] Running test tools-mkacisrmf-smoke002 ... PASS [29/37] Running test tools-mkacisrmf-smoke003 ... PASS [30/37] Running test tools-mkwarf-smoke001 ... PASS [31/37] Running test tools-mkwarf-smoke002 ... PASS [32/37] Running test tools-tcm-smoke001 ... PASS [33/37] Running test tools-tgdetect-smoke001 ... PASS [34/37] Running test tools-tge-smoke001 ... PASS [35/37] Running test tools-tge2-smoke001 ... PASS [36/37] Running test tools-tre-smoke001 ... PASS [37/37] Running test tools-wav-smoke001 ... PASS 37 smoke tests run: 37 PASSED, 0 FAILED, 0 SKIPPED Script Log file is /opt/install_dir/ciao-install-23-11- To use the install: (t)csh: $> source /opt/install_dir/ciao-4.16/bin/ciao.csh bash/zsh: $> source /opt/install_dir/ciao-4.16/bin/
Example 2
$ bash ciao-install --prefix ./install_dir --cache ./cache_dir
Since the "prefix" and "cache" directories have been specified on the command line the script will begin the installation without prompting the user.
Example 3
$ bash ciao-install --add acis
The ACIS blank sky background files will now be added to the list of packages to install. Similarly using "--add hrc" will download the HRC blank sky background files.
Example 4
$ bash ciao-install --add ciao-src --add sherpa-src
In addition to the standard packages, the CIAO and Sherpa source code will also be installed.
Example 5
$ bash ciao-install --link-caldb /Applications/CALDB
Instead of installing the CALDB, the script will setup the necessary links to the /Applications/CALDB directory.
Command line options
The following are the available command line option flags
-h --help Print this message --download-only Download only (do not install) --install-only Install only (do not download) --cache <dir> Cache directory to use --pkg-cache <dir> (Optional) Override the default package cache --prefix <dir> Install directory --with-top <dir> Fix the install to think it is here --link-caldb <dir> Location of CALDB to link in --system <system> System to install (linux, macos, or macos-arm) --save-cache Keep the download cache --add <segment> Add additional segment to CIAO --remove <segment> Skip segment. --skip-tests Skip tests after install --force Overwrite existing install --update Update existing install --with-top <dir> (non-standard) Fix the init scripts to think they are elsewhere (eg. cluster install) --download-all <dir> (non-standard) Generates a complete cache of all products required for install for all supported platforms. Forces --download-only --logdir <dir> Log file directory (defaults to current dir) -v, --verbose Includes more progress output to the screen
Default segments
The default segments installed by the script are
ciao sherpa contrib caldb marx
and these can be changed with the --add or --remove arguments.
ACIS blank-sky background files
The ACIS blank-sky background files will be added by adding the
--add acis
command-line flag.
HRC blank-sky background files
The HRC blank-sky background files will be added by adding the
--add hrc
command-line flag.
CIAO and Sherpa source code
The source code for CIAO or Sherpa can also be included using either, or both, of the following command-line flags:
--add ciao-src --add sherpa-src
Installing updates
Updates are installed using the same ciao-install command. This includes updates to CIAO, Sherpa, CALDB, and the CIAO contributed scripts.
$ bash ciao-install --prefix /opt/install_dir --cache ./ /opt/install_dir/ciao-4.16 already exists. Update? (y/n): ...
The script will prompt the user update an existing installation (unless the "--update" option is used, in which case the update will begin automatically).
Alternative installation: conda
Since CIAO 4.12 it has been possible to install CIAO with the conda system. See the Installing CIAO with conda page for more information.
Changes in CIAO 4.17
ciao-install will now by default install MARX. This can be disabled by including "--remove marx" option when running the script.
If there are any problems installing CIAO, such as smoke tests failures, please refer to the Installation and Smoke Tests bugs page and, if this does not help you, the CXC Help Desk.
Refer to the CIAO bug pages for an up-to-date listing of known issues.