Last modified: December 2013

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AHELP for CIAO 4.17


Context: paramio


Read/write individual parameter values.


pgetb(paramfile, param)
pgeti(paramfile, param)
pgetd(paramfile, param)
pgetstr(paramfile, param)

pputb(paramfile, param, intval)
pputi(paramfile, param, intval)
pputd(paramfile, param, doubleval)
pputstr(paramfile, param, stringval)


These functions provide read and write access to individual parameter values for a tool. Unlike the generic pget() and pset() routines provided by paramio, these functions typecast the variable into the given type.


Boolean values are represented as integers, where 1 is True and 0 is False, rather than the native Python boolean type. Since Python converts True and False to 1 and 0 respectively, boolean values can be used in calls to pputb(), but the return value from pgetb() will be 1 or 0.

The paramio module is not available by default; see "ahelp paramio" for information on loading the module.


Example 1

>>> from paramio import *
>>> err = pgetd("dmextract", "sys_err")
>>> print(err)

pgetd() is used to return the value of the sys_err parameter of dmextract as a double.

Example 2

>>> vali = pgeti("dmextract", "verbose")
>>> vald = pgetd("dmextract", "verbose")
>>> valstr = pgetstr("dmextract", "verbose")
>>> print("i={0} d={1} str={2}".format(vali, vald, valstr))
i=0 d=0.00 str=0

Here we get the value of the "verbose" parameter as an integer, double, and string.

See Also

paccess, paramclose, paramio, paramopen, pget, plist, pquery, pset, punlearn