Returns a string containing a listing of the current objects.
The info_current command provides a means of seeing what objects are current in the ChIPS session. The listings start at the window level and proceed down through frames and plots. Any children objects of frames (plots or annotations such as labels, lines, points, and regions) are listed. If a plot is current, all of its children (axes, curves, contours, or histograms) that are current are also listed. When a frame is listed, its current coordinate system is also specified.
The general format of the output string for each line is: the object type (Window, Frame, Plot, Coord Sys Id, etc.), a space, an open square bracket, the id of the object, and a close square bracket. An indentation before the object type shows that the object belongs to the object preceding it.
If no objects are current - e.g. a clear command was just issued - a value of None is returned.
Example 1
chips> add_frame() chips> add_contour([1,4,5,2,5,5,2,0,3],3,3) chips> add_frame(.6,.6,.9,.9,'transparency=true') chips> add_contour([3,5,5,1,2,5,3,4,5],3,3,'color=cyan id=inlay')
chips> print(info_current()) Window [win1] Frame [frm2] Plot [plot1] X Axis [ax1] Y Axis [ay1] Contour [inlay] Coord Sys [Data] Coord Sys ID [plot1_ax1ay1]
Print the info_current results after after adding two frames, each containing a contour. Since 'frm2' was added second, it is the current frame.
Example 2
chips> add_frame() chips> add_contour([1,4,5,2,5,5,2,0,3],3,3) chips> add_contour([1,9,2,8,3,0,5,0,0],3,3,'color=pink') chips> add_frame(.6,.6,.9,.9,'transparency=true') chips> add_contour([3,5,5,1,2,5,3,4,5],3,3,'color=cyan id=inlay') chips> add_contour([2,3,5,8,9,1,9,6,2],3,3,'color=yellow id=inlay2') chips> current_contour('all') chips> current_frame('all')
chips> print(info_current()) Window [win1] Frame [frm1] Plot [plot1] X Axis [ax1] Y Axis [ay1] Contour [ctr2] Coord Sys [Data] Coord Sys ID [plot1_ax1ay1] Frame [frm2] Plot [plot1] X Axis [ax1] Y Axis [ay1] Contour [inlay] Contour [inlay2] Coord Sys [Data] Coord Sys ID [plot1_ax1ay1]
All contours in the second frame are made current, than all frames are made current. Since currency was changed to all, both frames 'frm1' and 'frm2' are listed. Note that within 'frm1', only the second contour created is current.
See the bugs pages on the ChIPS website for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.
See Also
- axes
- info_bound_axes
- coordinates
- info_coordinate
- depth
- info_depth
- utilities
- highlight_object, info