Launches a new ChIPS server and connects the client to it.
create_server() create_server(loadprefs)
The function arguments.
Argument | Description |
loadprefs | A boolean controlling whether the new server should load the user's $HOME/.chips.rc.preference file. The default is False. |
The create_server command may be used by a client which is currently not connected to a server. The optional load_prefs parameter indicates whether the server should load the user's preferences file (if not given the preference file is not loaded). The command creates a new server and attaches the client to the server. After the server is created, the get_server_id command will return the id of the new server.
If the client is already connected to a server when a create_server command is invoked, the request will fail and an error message is returned.
chips> print(get_server_id()) ChipsServer_6979_1 chips> disconnect() chips> create_server(True) chips> print(get_server_id()) ChipsServer_6979_2
The client is disconnected from the server with id "ChipsServer_6979_1". A new chips server is then created, which loads the user's $HOME/.chips.rc file and attaches the client to the server. The final call to get_server_id returns the id of the new chips server ("ChipsServer_6979_2").
See the bugs pages on the ChIPS website for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.