Sherpa provides extensive facilities for modeling and fitting data. The topics here range from basic fits using source spectra and responses to more advanced areas, such as simultaneous fits to multiple data sets, accounting for the effects of pileup, and fitting spatial and grating data.
Before fitting ACIS spectral data sets with limited pulse-height ranges, please read the CIAO caveat "Spectral analyses of ACIS data with a limited pulse-height range."
Spectral (1-D) Data
Introduction to Fitting PHA Spectra
(11 Dec 2024)
- Changing the grouping scheme of a data set within Sherpa
- Simultaneously Fitting Two Data Sets
Fitting a PHA Data Set with Multiple Responses
(17 Dec 2024)
- Simulating X-ray Spectral Data (PHA): the fake_pha command
- Simulating Chandra ACIS-S Spectra with Sherpa
- Simulating Chandra ACIS-S LETG Spectra with Sherpa
- Simulating NuSTAR X-Ray Spectra with Sherpa
- Fitting PHA Data with Multi-Component Source Models
- Calculating Uncertainties by Simulating Flux Distributions
- Calculating Model Flux and Flux Uncertainty
- Simultaneously Fitting Source and Background Spectra
- Using A Pileup Model
- Sherpa User Models
- Sherpa Table Models
- Sherpa Template Models
- Creating an Input Spectrum for MARX and ChaRT Simulations
- Bayesian Analysis in Sherpa
- Using XSpec User Models in Sherpa
Introduction to Fitting PHA Spectra
Spatial (2-D) Data
- Fitting FITS Image Data
- Radial and elliptical profiles of Image Data
- Using an Exposure Map in Fitting Image Data
- Accounting for PSF Effects in 2D Image Fitting
- Fitting Image Data with Convolved and Unconvolved Model Components
- See also: the Obtain and Fit a Radial Profile CIAO thread
- Sherpa User Models
Grating Data
Users interested in conducting wavelength analysis are encouraged to learn the limitations associated with the set_analysis command before doing so with the information contained in these threads.
Generic Data
These threads involve data analysis which is not specific to X-ray spectral or spatial modeling, therefore they can be followed using simple ASCII files as input, or other non-X-ray data.