Using Parameter Files
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CIAO 4.17 Science Threads
The CIAO tools use ASCII parameter files to get and store processing parameters. The parameter file interface provides great flexibility in specifying parameters to programs, since their values can be obtained either from the command line or from a parameter file.
This thread expands upon the basic overview of using parameter files available from the Parameter Files section of the Introduction to CIAO thread.
Related Links:
- ahelp parameter: describes the parameter interface used by CIAO. The ahelp also discusses parameter tool that aren't covered here, such as pdump and pquery.
Last Update: 31 Jan 2022 - Review for CIAO 4.14. No changes.
- Get Started
- Resetting Parameter Defaults
- Viewing Parameters and Values
- Setting Parameters with pset
- Setting Parameters without pset
- Abbreviating Parameter Names and Values
- Running Multiple Instances of a Tool
- Miscellaneous
- History
Get Started
For illustration, this thread utilizes the ObsID 1843 (ACIS-I, G21.5-0.9) data that was downloaded in the How to Download Chandra Data from the Archive thread.
If this is your first time using CIAO, please read the Starting CIAO thread to ensure that your environment is configured properly. You should also be familiar with the information in the Parameter Files section of the Introduction to CIAO thread.
Resetting Parameter Defaults
The punlearn command resets all the parameters to the default values. It is a good idea to punlearn a tool before using it for a new task, unless you are certain that you want to keep certain parameter settings.
unix% punlearn dmlist unix% plist dmlist Parameters for /home/username/cxcds_param4/dmlist.par infile = Input dataset/block specification opt = data Option (outfile = ) Output file (optional) (rows = ) Range of table rows to print (min:max) (cells = ) Range of array indices to print (min:max) (verbose = 0) Debug Level(0-5) (mode = ql)
All the parameters are reset to the default values and a copy of the file is placed in the local parameter file directory (here set to $HOME/cxcds_param4/).
Viewing Parameters and Values
plist, pline, and pget
There are several different tools that may be used to list the contents of a parameter file. The one most often used is plist:
unix% plist dmlist Parameters for /home/username/cxcds_param4/dmlist.par infile = Input dataset/block specification opt = data Option (outfile = ) Output file (optional) (rows = ) Range of table rows to print (min:max) (cells = ) Range of array indices to print (min:max) (verbose = 0) Debug Level(0-5) (mode = ql)
Those parameters not within parentheses are called "positional parameters;" the parameters that are within parentheses are called "hidden parameters."
Using pline instead returns all of the parameters on a single line:
unix% pline dmlist infile='' opt='data' outfile='' rows='' cells='' verbose='0' mode='ql'
This can be useful if you wish to cut-and-paste command lines into a log or script. Notice that the information on whether parameters are positional or hidden is lost.
Finally, to find the current value of a single parameter in the file, pget is used:
unix% pget dmlist opt data
The default value for many parameters is the empty string. In this case, pget returns a blank line:
unix% pget dmlist infile unix%
Tricks for viewing files
There are a couple tricks hiding in the parameter interface that may be useful to regular CIAO users.
tool +
Using "+" (the plus sign) as the one and only argument to a tool will cause it to plist itself:
unix% dmlist + Parameters for /home/username/cxcds_param4/dmlist.par infile = Input dataset/block specification opt = data Option (outfile = ) Output file (optional) (rows = ) Range of table rows to print (min:max) (cells = ) Range of array indices to print (min:max) (verbose = 0) Debug Level(0-5) (mode = ql)
plist tool1 tool2 ... toolN
It is possible to list more than one tool's parameter file at a time:
unix% plist dmlist dmcopy Parameters for /home/username/cxcds_param4/dmlist.par infile = Input dataset/block specification opt = data Option (outfile = ) Output file (optional) (rows = ) Range of table rows to print (min:max) (cells = ) Range of array indices to print (min:max) (verbose = 0) Debug Level(0-5) (mode = ql) Parameters for /home/username/cxcds_param4/dmcopy.par infile = Input dataset/block specification outfile = Output dataset name (kernel = default) Output file format type (option = ) Option - force output type (verbose = 0) Debug Level (clobber = no) Clobber existing file (mode = ql)
Setting Parameters with pset
Parameters may be set with the pset command in several different ways.
Without any parameters
Issuing the command "pset <tool>" prompts you to set the value of each parameter as they are ordered in the file. This method is helpful if you aren't sure of a parameter name or need to set many parameters at once:
unix% pset dmlist Input dataset/block specification (): acisf01843N002_evt2.fits Option (data): blocks Output file (optional) (): Range of table rows to print (min:max) (): Range of array indices to print (min:max) (): Debug Level(0-5) (0:5) (0): 1 mode (ql):
If a parameter is already set (e.g. the input dataset name) and you don't wish to change it, a carriage return (<RETURN> key) will keep the current value and move on:
unix% pset dmlist Input dataset/block specification (acisf01843N002_evt2.fits): Option (blocks): cols Output file (optional) (): Range of table rows to print (min:max) (): Range of array indices to print (min:max) (): Debug Level(0-5) (0:5) (1): 0 mode (ql):
One parameter at a time
You may also give pset the name and value of the desired parameter on the command line. This method is most commonly used in the CIAO threads to highlight syntax.
unix% pset dmlist infile=pcadf084271087N002_asol1.fits unix% pset dmlist opt=cols unix% plist dmlist Parameters for /home/username/cxcds_param4/dmlist.par infile = pcadf084271087N002_asol1.fits Input dataset/block specification opt = cols Option (outfile = ) Output file (optional) (rows = ) Range of table rows to print (min:max) (cells = ) Range of array indices to print (min:max) (verbose = 0) Debug Level(0-5) (mode = ql)
Several parameters at once
The single parameter syntax may be expanded to set several parameters at once on the command line:
unix% pset dmlist infile=acisf01843N002_evt2.fits opt=data rows=1:5 unix% plist dmlist Parameters for /home/username/cxcds_param4/dmlist.par infile = acisf01843N002_evt2.fits Input dataset/block specification opt = data Option (outfile = ) Output file (optional) (rows = 1:5) Range of table rows to print (min:max) (cells = ) Range of array indices to print (min:max) (verbose = 0) Debug Level(0-5) (mode = ql)
Setting a parameter to an empty string
It is natural to think that hitting return at a blank parameter prompt would set the value to the empty string. However, it was shown in the Setting Parameters with pset: without any parameters section that this keeps the current value instead. To set the parameter to an empty string, supply empty quotes as the value:
unix% pget dmlist infile outfile acisf01843N002_evt2.fits outfile.txt unix% pset dmlist Input dataset/block specification (acisf01843N002_evt2.fits): "" Option (blocks): Output file (optional) (outfile.txt): "" Range of table rows to print (min:max) (): Range of array indices to print (min:max) (): Debug Level(0-5) (0:5) (0): mode (ql): unix% pget dmlist infile outfile unix%
Two blank lines are printed as each parameter now contains an empty string.
Similarly, this can be done by issuing pset command with empty quotes as the value:
unix% pset dmlist in=acisf01843N002_evt2.fits unix% pget dmlist infile acisf01843N002_evt2.fits unix% pset dmlist infile="" unix% pget dmlist infile unix%
There is related information on setting the empty string in the Setting Parameters without pset: Setting a parameter to an empty string section.
Setting Parameters without pset
There are also ways of specifying parameters without explicitly using pset. These approaches can help reduce the amount of typing needed to execute the run of a tool.
Supplying parameters on the command line
It is possible to run a tool by supplying all the required (i.e. positional) parameters when the tool is run:
unix% punlearn dmlist unix% dmlist infile=pcadf084271087N002_asol1.fits opt=cols -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Columns for Table Block ASPSOL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ColNo Name Unit Type Range 1 time s Real8 84271087.9497570693: 84280448.5063585937 Time 2 ra deg Real8 -Inf:+Inf RA of MNC frame (x-axis) 3 dec deg Real8 -Inf:+Inf DEC of MNC frame (x-axis) 4 roll deg Real8 -Inf:+Inf ROLL of MNC frame 5 ra_err deg Real4 -Inf:+Inf Uncertainty in RA 6 dec_err deg Real4 -Inf:+Inf Uncertainty in DEC (etc.)
Notice that the parameter file is updated when you use this method:
unix% plist dmlist Parameters for /home/username/cxcds_param4/dmlist.par infile = pcadf084271087N002_asol1.fits Input dataset/block specification opt = cols Option (outfile = ) Output file (optional) (rows = ) Range of table rows to print (min:max) (cells = ) Range of array indices to print (min:max) (verbose = 0) Debug Level(0-5) (mode = ql)
Option: omitting the parameter name
When supplying values on the command line, the parameter names may be omitted, as long as the parameters are given in order. For example, to repeat the last example:
unix% dmlist pcadf084271087N002_asol1.fits cols -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Columns for Table Block ASPSOL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ColNo Name Unit Type Range 1 time s Real8 84271087.9497570693: 84280448.5063585937 Time (etc.)
This method only works for positional (non-hidden) parameters. If you wish to send the output to a file, this command will not work, as evidenced by the error:
unix% dmlist pcadf084271087N002_asol1.fits cols output.txt Problem opening parameter file: too many positional arguments
Instead, the name of the hidden parameter must be given:
unix% dmlist pcadf084271087N002_asol1.fits cols outfile=output.txt unix% more output.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Columns for Table Block ASPSOL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ColNo Name Unit Type Range 1 time s Real8 84271087.9497570693: 84280448.5063585937 Time (etc.)
For other restrictions on using hidden parameters, see the Caveat: setting hidden parameters section.
Caveat: switching between parameter name and positional argument
While it is valid to start off specifying parameter values by position and then switch to the "key=value" method, as shown in the "Option: omitting the parameter name" seubsection:
unix% dmlist pcadf084271087N002_asol1.fits cols outfile=output.txt
the reverse does not hold true. If you begin by using "key=value" pairs, you must do so for the entire command. The following syntax is not valid:
unix% dmlist infile=pcadf084271087N002_asol1.fits blocks Sorry, Arguments not ok, try again. Problem opening parameter file: parameter error?
Allowing the tool to prompt for them
If a positional parameter is not specified on the command line, the tool will prompt you for the value:
unix% dmlist acisf01843N002_evt2.fits Option (cols): blocks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset: acisf01843N002_evt2.fits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block Name Type Dimensions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block 1: PRIMARY Null Block 2: EVENTS Table 15 cols x 490795 rows Block 3: GTI7 Table 2 cols x 1 rows Block 4: GTI6 Table 2 cols x 1 rows Block 5: GTI3 Table 2 cols x 2 rows Block 6: GTI2 Table 2 cols x 1 rows Block 7: GTI1 Table 2 cols x 1 rows Block 8: GTI0 Table 2 cols x 1 rows
The parameter value that's given in parentheses could have been accepted by hitting the <RETURN> key. Again, the parameter file is updated when using this method.
Caveat: setting hidden parameters
The interface will not prompt you for hidden parameters; they must be specified by pset or given on the command line:
unix% punlearn dmlist unix% dmlist infile=acisf01843N002_evt2.fits opt=data rows=1:2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data for Table Block EVENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROW time ccd_id node_id expno chip(chipx,chipy) tdet(tdetx,tdety) det(detx,dety) ... 1 84272491.7915800959 6 0 4 (162,185) (3037,1887) ( 2999.5632324219, ... 2 84272491.7915800959 6 1 4 (364,292) (3239,1994) ( 3201.9252929688, ...
Values specified on the command line for hidden parameters will be used only when the tool is run; they are not recorded in the parameter file.
For example, running dmlist with hidden parameters specified on the command line, as with the last example, results in the following recorded parameter file:
unix% plist dmlist Parameters for /home/username/cxcds_param4/dmlist.par infile = acisf01843N002_evt2.fits Input dataset/block specification opt = data Option (outfile = ) Output file (optional) (rows = ) Range of table rows to print (min:max) (cells = ) Range of array indices to print (min:max) (verbose = 0) Debug Level(0-5) (mode = ql)
However, running the tool with hidden parameters specified using pset results in the following recorded parameter file:
unix% pset dmlist rows=1:2 unix% dmlist acisf01843N002_evt2.fits data (output omitted) unix% plist dmlist Parameters for /home/username/cxcds_param4/dmlist.par infile = acisf01843N002_evt2.fits Input dataset/block specification opt = data Option (outfile = ) Output file (optional) (rows = 1:2) Range of table rows to print (min:max) (cells = ) Range of array indices to print (min:max) (verbose = 0) Debug Level(0-5) (mode = ql)
It is therefore recommended that hidden parameters be specified using pset so that the parameter file accurately indicates all values used the last time that a tool was run.
Setting a parameter to an empty string
To set the value of a parameter to an empty string without using pset, specify the parameter on the command line with empty quotes as the value.
For instance, if you have an outfile set in dmlist and don't want to use it for the next run:
unix% pget dmlist outfile out.txt unix% dmlist acisf01843N002_evt2.fits blocks outfile="" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset: acisf01843N002_evt2.fits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block Name Type Dimensions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block 1: PRIMARY Null Block 2: EVENTS Table 14 cols x 475869 rows Block 3: GTI7 Table 2 cols x 1 rows Block 4: GTI0 Table 2 cols x 1 rows Block 5: GTI1 Table 2 cols x 1 rows Block 6: GTI2 Table 2 cols x 1 rows Block 7: GTI3 Table 2 cols x 2 rows Block 8: GTI6 Table 2 cols x 1 rows
The output filename is ignored, so the information is printed to the screen.
There is related information on setting the empty string in the Setting Parameters with pset: Setting a parameter to an empty string section.
Abbreviating Parameter Names and Values
The parameter file interface allows you to shorten the parameter names to the smallest unique string:
unix% pget dmcopy clobber no unix% pset dmcopy cl+ unix% pget dmcopy clobber yes unix% pset dmcopy outfile=one.fits unix% pget dmcopy outfile one.fits unix% pset dmcopy out=two.fits unix% pget dmcopy outfile two.fits unix% pset dmcopy o=three.fits parammatch : parameter name o not uniq (outfile, option) unix% pset dmcopy ou=three.fits unix% pget dmcopy outfile three.fits
The same applies when specifying the parameters on the command line:
unix% dmlist in=radial.fits out=list.txt opt=blocks unix% cat list.txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dataset: radial.fits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block Name Type Dimensions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Block 1: PRIMARY Null Block 2: HISTOGRAM Table 24 cols x 85 rows
This feature is especially useful when changing the clobber setting for a tool: "clobber=yes" can be shortened to just "cl+".
Related to this is the ability to use abbreviated names for the enumerated values in a parameter file as well. For example, the grouptype parameter in dmgroup will accept only a finite set of values:
unix% grep grouptype /soft/ciao/param/dmgroup.par grouptype,s,a,"NONE",NONE|BIN|SNR|NUM_BINS|NUM_CTS|ADAPTIVE|ADAPTIVE_SNR|BIN_WIDTH|MIN_SLOPE|MAX_SLOPE|BIN_FILE,,"Grouping type" grouptypeval,r,a,0,,,"Grouping type value"
To set the grouptype to MAX_SLOPE, you can say:
unix% pget dmgroup grouptype NUM_CTS unix% pset dmgroup grouptype=MA unix% pget dmgroup grouptype MAX_SLOPE
Specifying a non-unique value returns an error and prompts you for the correct choice:
unix% pset dmgroup grouptype=NUM pquery: enumerated value not unique : grouptype Grouping type (NONE|BIN|SNR|NUM_BINS|NUM_CTS|ADAPTIVE|ADAPTIVE_SNR|BIN_WIDTH|MIN_SLOPE|MAX_SLOPE|BIN_FILE) (MAX_SLOPE): NUM_BINS unix% pget dmgroup grouptype NUM_BINS
Running Multiple Instances of a Tool
If you wish to have several runs of the same CIAO tool going at the same time, it is necessary to set up different parameter files for each run (since it is unlikely that the parameters will be unchanged for the different runs). This situation can also apply if you are analyzing multiple datasets and wish to maintain separate ardlib.par and other parameter files.
In the following we consider the example of running aconvolve to smooth an image with a two-dimensional gaussian with sigma values of 3 and 5 pixels along each dimension.
Using the '@@' syntax
If this is a once-only situation, then you can set up the parameter file, copy it to a separate location, and then point the tool to that copy.
Here we set up two parameter files - one using a gaussian with a sigma of 3 pixels in each direction (/tmp/aconvolve.g3.par) and the other with the sigma value set to 5 pixels (/tmp/aconvolve.g5.par). We then run two copies of aconvolve with these individual parameter files, setting the mode to "h" to avoid any queries of automatic parameters.
unix% punlearn aconvolve unix% pset aconvolve infile=img.fits method=fft unix% pset aconvolve outfile=img.sm3.fits unix% pset aconvolve kernelspec="lib:gauss(2,5,1,3,3)" unix% cp `paccess aconvolve` /tmp/aconvolve.g3.par unix% pset aconvolve outfile=img.sm5.fits unix% pset aconvolve kernelspec="lib:gauss(2,5,1,5,5)" unix% cp `paccess aconvolve` /tmp/aconvolve.g5.par unix% aconvolve @@/tmp/aconvolve.g3.par mode=h & unix% aconvolve @@/tmp/aconvolve.g5.par mode=h &
Caveat: the @@ syntax may not work with scripts such as dmgti and wavdetect. Since scripts usually run multiple CIAO tools, there still could be race conditions unless the environment variable is set.
Changing the PFILES environment variable
A more robust solution is to run each copy of the tool with the PFILES environment variable set to a different local directory. Assuming that the default PFILES setting after starting CIAO looks like:
unix% echo $PFILES /home/username/cxcds_param4;/soft/ciao/contrib/param:/soft/ciao/param:
and you want to use the directories "/home/username/cxcds_param1/" and "/home/username/cxcds_param2/", then you could say:
unix% setenv PFILES "/home/username/cxcds_param1;/soft/ciao/contrib/param:/soft/ciao/param" unix% punlearn aconvolve unix% pset aconvolve infile=img.fits method=fft unix% pset aconvolve outfile=img.sm3.fits unix% pset aconvolve kernelspec="lib:gauss(2,5,1,3,3)" unix% aconvolve mode=h & unix% setenv PFILES "/home/username/cxcds_param2;/soft/ciao/contrib/param:/soft/ciao/param" unix% punlearn aconvolve unix% pset aconvolve infile=img.fits method=fft unix% pset aconvolve outfile=img.sm5.fits unix% pset aconvolve kernelspec="lib:gauss(2,5,1,5,5)" unix% aconvolve mode=h &
While this is in general a better approach than the previous suggestion, it brings the consequence of having to remember which parameter file directory you are currently using.
It is not required that you use an absolute path when setting PFILES; it often may make sense to use a relative path. For instance, if you set PFILES to
then the parameter library will look for the file first in the subdirectory param/ of the working directory, then in the cxcds_param4/ subdirectory of your home directory, and finally access the system default copy in the CIAO distribution, $ASCDS_INSTALL (here set to /soft/ciao).
Setting the parameter file directory to the current working directory, e.g. "." (dot), is a special case. If you want to put the files in the current working directory, you must include a slash ("./") in the PFILES variable:
When are quotes needed?
When entering a complex filename on the command line, quotes are required so that the parameter interface can define the various fields:
unix% dmlist "acisf01843N002_evt2.fits[GTI3]" cols -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Columns for Table Block GTI3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ColNo Name Unit Type Range 1 START s Real8 -Inf:+Inf 2 STOP s Real8 -Inf:+Inf
However, the quotes are not necessary when responding to a prompt and will result in an error if included. The correct syntax in this case is:
unix% punlearn dmlist unix% dmlist Input dataset/block specification (): acisf01843N002_evt2.fits[GTI3] Option (data): cols -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Columns for Table Block GTI3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ColNo Name Unit Type Range 1 START s Real8 -Inf:+Inf 2 STOP s Real8 -Inf:+Inf
Whitespace in pset commands
In all of these examples, we have not left any space between the equals sign (=) and the parameter name or value, e.g.:
unix% pset dmlist infile=pcadf084271087N002_asol1.fits unix% pget dmlist infile pcadf084271087N002_asol1.fits
It is also possible, however, to do:
unix% pset dmlist infile= pcadf084271087N002_asol1.fits unix% pget dmlist infile pcadf084271087N002_asol1.fits
unix% pset dmlist infile = pcadf084271087N002_asol1.fits unix% pget dmlist infile pcadf084271087N002_asol1.fits
On the command line, the whitespace before and after the "=" is removed. This is particularly useful in the (t)csh/bash shells, since it allows one to use Command-line completion on the file names.
However, extra space is preserved if it is in quotes:
unix% pset dmlist infile =" pcadf084271087N002_asol1.fits" unix% pget dmlist infile pcadf084271087N002_asol1.fits
Using redirects
There are several kinds of redirects that can be used in setting the value of a parameter (ahelp parameter has more examples of using this syntax):
- ")paramname" : the value for one parameter is
re-directed to use the value for another parameter of the same
This type of redirect is commonly used to set the eventdef parameter of acis_process_events:
unix% pset acis_process_events eventdef=")stdlev1" unix% pget acis_process_events eventdef {d:time,s:ccd_id,s:node_id,i:expno,s:chip,s:tdet,f:det,f:sky,s:phas,l:pha, l:pha_ro,f:energy,l:pi,s:fltgrade,s:grade,x:status}
- ")tool.paramname" : similar to the the previous
redirection, except that the value is taken from the parameter
of a different tool.
Some CIAO tools have parameters redirected to other parameter files. For example the default dmimg2jpg tool uses parameter redirects to specify the colors for region and grid colors.
unix% plist dmimg2jpg | grep colors (colorstretch = 1) Color lookup strech factor (colorshift = 0) Color lookup table shift (invert = no) Invert colors (regioncolor = ) -> 0 1 0) Region color triple (gridcolor = )colors.white -> 1 1 1) Grid color triple unix% pget dmimg2jpg regioncolor 0 1 0 unix% pget colors green 0 1 0
Note that colors.par is not associated any specific CIAO task. That is there is not CIAO command called colors. It simply provides a list of common color codes.
- "))command" : in this case, the parameter value is found by
executing the given command and using the value it returns
(i.e. the standard output of the command).
This can be especially useful to the advanced CIAO user who would like to combine several commands. For example:
unix% punlearn dmcoords unix% pset dmcoords infile=acisf01843N002_evt2.fits unix% pset dmcoords asolfile=pcadf084271087N002_asol1.fits unix% pset dmcoords celfmt=deg unix% pset dmcoords ra="))dmkeypar acisf01843N002_evt2.fits ra_nom echo+" unix% pset dmcoords dec="))dmkeypar acisf01843N002_evt2.fits dec_nom echo+" unix% plist dmcoords Parameters for /home/username/cxcds_param4/dmcoords.par infile = acisf01843N002_evt2.fits Input dataset/block specification ... ra = ))dmkeypar acisf01843N002_evt2.fits ra_nom echo+ -> 278.04787065101 RA [deg or hh:mm:ss] dec = ))dmkeypar acisf01843N002_evt2.fits dec_nom echo+ -> -10.57039625623 Dec [deg or dd:mm:ss] (etc.)
Note that the plist may take a little longer than usual, since CIAO is evaluating the commands to get the ra and dec parameter values.
- "%xpa()" : XPA redirects allow you to get information from other CIAO applications that have XPA access points, such as ds9. The XPA section of the Using SAOImage ds9 thread has some examples of using XPA to get information from ds9 and use it as input for the CIAO tools.
22 Dec 2004 | reviewed for CIAO 3.2: no changes |
24 Aug 2005 | added Caveat: switching between parameter name and positional argument section |
01 Dec 2005 | reviewed for CIAO 3.3: no changes |
01 Dec 2006 | reviewed for CIAO 3.4: no changes |
07 Dec 2007 | updated for CIAO 4.0: default parameter file is $HOME/cxcds_param4; filenames and screen output updated for reprocessed data (version N002 event file and aspect solution); moved XPA redirect example to the XPA section of the Using SAOImage ds9 thread |
02 Jan 2009 | updated for CIAO 4.1: minor changes to some text |
08 Feb 2010 | reviewed for CIAO 4.2: no changes |
11 Jan 2011 | reviewed for CIAO 4.3: no changes |
03 Jan 2012 | reviewed for CIAO 4.4: removed reference to psextract, which is no longer in CIAO |
03 Dec 2012 | Review for CIAO 4.5; correct link to plist in tools context |
10 Dec 2013 | Review for CIAO 4.6. No changes. |
22 Dec 2014 | Review for CIAO 4.7; updated parameter redirect to use dmimg2jpg and colors.par |
31 Jan 2022 | Review for CIAO 4.14. No changes. |