Per-Observation Detections Point Spread Function Files (psf3.fits & psf3.jpg)
The normalized point spread function file consists of a FITS format file for each detection region of each observation computed at the equivalent monochromatic energy for each science energy band, accounting for the dither of the spacecraft and detector effects, generated during catalog processing. A quick look JPEG file is also available.
The HRMA PSF is simulated using SAOTrace, which is easily publicly-accessible through Chandra Ray Tracer (ChaRT). The shape and size of the HRMA PSFs vary significantly with source location in the telescope field-of-view, as well as with the spectral energy distribution of the source. Because of the Wolter Type I design, the image quality is best in a small area centered about the optical-axis.
HRC PSF Events Images
![[Thumbnail image: HRC PSF events image]](imgs/hrc_13182_r0001_psf.thumb.png)
[Version: full-size]
![[Print media version: HRC PSF events image]](imgs/hrc_13182_r0001_psf.png)
HRC PSF Events Images
An example of a HRC-I PSF events images generated by an SAOTrace simulation of the on-axis source and projected onto the detector-plane with MARX.
The per-observation PSF files are named: 〈i〉〈s〉〈obs〉_〈obi〉N〈v〉[_〈c〉]_〈r〉〈b〉_psf3.fits and 〈i〉〈s〉〈obs〉_〈obi〉N〈v〉[_〈c〉]_〈r〉〈b〉_psf3.jpg
where 〈i〉 is the instrument designation, 〈s〉 is the data source; 〈obs〉 is the observation identification; 〈obi〉 is the observation interval identification; 〈v〉 is the data product version number; 〈c〉 is the cycle; 〈r〉 is the region ID, formatted as "rnnnn", where nnnn is the 4-digit region number, formatted with leading zeros; and 〈b〉 is the energy band designation. The optional discriminator identified in square brackets is included only for ACIS alternating exposure (interleaved) mode observations.