What Python version and packages are provided with CIAO 4.17?
The exact version of Python in CIAO 4.17 depends on how CIAO was installed:
- conda
CIAO is only available for Python 3.11. However, using the conda installation method may select a different micro version of 3.11 compared to the ciao-install method.
- ciao-install
When using ciao-install, the only option is Python 3.11.
Once the CIAO environment has been "activated", the Python version can be found with the command:
unix% python --version Python 3.11.6
The packages that are installed with CIAO depends on how CIAO was installed, and is described further on the What Python packages are provided with CIAO? section of the Using Python with CIAO page.
CIAO, when installed via ciao-install, comes with support for Jupyter notebooks (also known as IPython notebooks). For conda installations it can be installed with
unix% conda install -c conda-forge --freeze-installed jupyter
For more information see the Jupyter notebook FAQ.