Bugs: CIAO installed using conda
List of known packages CIAO is incompatible with
- CIAO and StSCI's astroconda which fail due to version incompatibilities in the CFITSIO library.
There is a conflict between CIAO and HEASARC's XSPEC package.
Users must
First, initialize their HEASARC environment
$ export HEADAS=/soft/lheasoft/headas/x86_64-pc-linux $ source $HEADAS/headas-init.sh
Then activate their CIAO environment
$ conda activate ciao
Finally, users have to restore the HEADAS environment variable back to it's original value
$ export HEADAS=/soft/lheasoft/headas/x86_64-pc-linux
Note: this may cause problems using XSpec models in sherpa. Users must not source the headas-init.sh script after activating the CIAO environment as it will cause incompatibilities in the suite of parameters tools: pset, pget, and plist.