Proposal Number | Subject Category | PI Name | Title |
25200179 | STARS AND WD | Asif ud-Doula | X-ray emission from fast rotating magnetic massive stars |
25200432 | STARS AND WD | Amy Gall | Updating Fe L-shell wavelengths for stellar coronal studies |
25500012 | SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS | Emmanouil Chatzopoulos | X-ray Emission from Circumstellar Interaction in Superluminous Supernovae |
25500311 | SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS | Vikram Dwarkadas | Shock Interaction and X-ray Emission in Stripped Envelope Supernovae Interacting with a Dense Circumstellar Medium |
25700278 | ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS | Jason Dexter | Non-thermal Radiation GRMHD Simulations of Sgr A* Flares |
25800086 | CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES | Elena Rasia | ICM metal history, metal transport mechanism, link to stellar population |
25800103 | CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES | John ZuHone | The Most Powerful Explosion in the Universe? Simulating AGN Feedback and Gas Motions in the Ophiuchus Cluster |