Proposal Number | Subject Category | PI Name | Chandra Time | Title |
24700542 | ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS | Banados | 45.00ks | Characterizing the largest (~40kpc) radio jet in the first Gyr of the Universe |
Proposal Number: 24700542
Title: Characterizing the largest (~40kpc) radio jet in the first Gyr of the Universe
PI Name: Banados
Abstract: Relativistic jets are thought to play a key role on the formation of massive galaxies and supermassive black holes (SMBHs). Notably, all radio jets known at z>5 are compact, with the largest one known extending for ~2kpc. However, we recently discovered a z=5.7 radio-jet >20x larger than any other jet reported at z>5: three distinct components with a total extent of ~7 arcsec or ~40 physical kpc. Here, we propose quasi-contemporary VLA/Chandra observations of this system. We will 1) determine the radio SED of each component (steep, flat, peaked?); 2) measure its X-ray photon index and obtain an independent estimate of the jet orientation and accretion rate. 3) Estimate the magnetic field (using both radio and X-ray data), setting strong observational constraints on the IC/CMB effect.