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Radiative Transfer Effects
Transfer effects are important when > 1
- There are three important “levels” of opacity sources
- Line absorption/scattering ( ~ 10-16 cm2)
- Continuum absorption ( ~ 10-18 cm2)
- Electron scattering ( ~ 10-24 cm2)
Most codes assume complete redistribution / escape probability methods for treating resonance line transfer
- Although this approximation is appropriate for isolated lines with moderate optical depths ( ≤ 10), it does not adequately describe line transfer when absorption and scattering in the damping wings become non-negligible (i.e., when 100 - 1000).
- It is also difficult to apply this method when other opacity sources (e.g. continuum absorption, line overlap) are important as well.
- In this formalism, a correct treatment of radiative transfer is nearly hopeless when there are abundance and temperature gradients.