Version $Revision: 1.4 $
Last Update $Date: 2001/11/08 14:46:10 $
HRC CCB Status not reviewed

AXAF Constraints, Restrictions, & Limitations

Number: HRC-C-002

Type: Constraint

Original Date: 6/13/95    Revised Date: 2/19/98

Subsystem: HRC

Subject: HRC Housing Pressure at MCP HV Turn-on

Source: Informal CARD inputs, e-mail, M. Juda, 9/11/95

CRL Statement:

The HRC Micro-Channel Plate High Voltage (MCP HV) must not be turned ON if the detector housing pressure is greater than 1.0e-5 Torr.

CRL Rationale/Justification:

Both the vacuum monitor, mounted on the Spacecraft along with the ACA PEA, must be below 1.0e-5 Torr and the HRC detector housing door must be open for at least 24 hours before the pressure will be within the design limits for a safe MCP HV turn ON.  The vacuum monitor level reading must be determined by test, with a Spacecraft venting analysis, to determine the monitor pressure required to satisfy the HRC detector housing pressure of no greater than 1.0e-5 Torr.

CRL Impact:

High voltage break-down caused by operating the MCP HV at pressures greater than 1.0e-5 Torr will damage the HRC.

Recommended Action:

Incorporate into the Systems and Operations Procedures, with ASC providing the inputs.

$Log: hrc-c-002.html,v $

Revision 1.4 2001/11/08 14:46:10 juda

HTML "href" tag edits to convert to soft links

Revision 1.3 1999/02/08 20:07:13 juda

removed TBDs

Revision 1.2 1998/04/27 13:44:37 juda

Added Version table

Page created 1998 March 4 - Based on 30 Jan 98 release of OP05

Dr. Michael Juda
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden Street, Mail Stop 70
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
Ph.: (617) 495-7062
Fax: (617) 495-7356