- ... \marx\2.1
MARX is a suite of programs created by the MIT/CXC group and designed to
enable the user to simulate the on-orbit performance of the Chandra X-ray
Observatory. Further information is available at
- ... dataset.4.1
Since a source could be missed if it straddles the border between
regions of different blocking factors, each celldetect pass
actually extends a bit into the previously-analyzed region.
Occasionally this leads to two detections of the same source,
but such cases are automatically identified (see the output
source list columns DOUBLE and DOUBLE_ID, discussed
in Chapter 7).
- ... file:7.1
Items marked with "
" are not yet calculated by celldetect ;
these columns in the output file will contain zeros.
- ... "sliding-box''13.1
- The method used in the Chandra source detection routine celldetect.
- ... simple.13.2
- The current version of
wtransform works only with binned images, though it may be updated
in the future to also work with event lists.
- ... maximum.13.3
- By writing
in this way, we also note
that the term
, which is
0 by definition, acts to
subtract the contribution of the local background around the clump
from the value of
. We return to this point in
- ...
- We "tile over" regions where the normalized background
has been set to zero. We subdivide the image into smaller and smaller
boxes: if in any one box the percentage of non-zero pixels is less
than 20%, wtransform determines the average value in those pixels
and assigns that value to the other pixels of the box.
"Extrapolation" beyond the FOV is currently accomplished by simple
mirror-image reflection.
- ... image13.5
- The
normalized background image is input by the user, or a default image
is constructed from images made at each scale by wtransform (see
Appendix 13.8).
- ... -
- Small values of
occur even when there are no counts in the negative annulus
of the wavelet function because the FFT is inexact.
- ... minimal.13.7
- A new method of determining the variance,
based upon a suggestion by Kolaczyk (private communication), is being
tested and may be used in future versions of wrecon .