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Chandra Bibliographic Statistics

Tracking Scientific Productivity:

To evaluate the relative scientific effectiveness of Chandra observations, we have undertaken to compile and study data on related publications. Across institutions and even across disciplines, professional publications and citations represent the most commonly used and accepted method of tracking scientific productivity. See the March 2004 Newsletter article describing this effort.

Basic Annual Bibliographic Statistics (as of 2025-03-16) :

The basic annual bibliographic statistical data for the Chandra X-ray Observatory pertain to papers on Chandra observations. These papers fall into two groups: those that present specific Chandra observations (Category 1) and those that refer to published Chandra results with complementary observations, follow-up analysis, or theoretical analysis (Category 2 with flags A, B, or C). We define these as Chandra Science Papers.

Year Refereed
Number of
to these
in Refereed
Papers *
2000 55 8138 60 104
2001 198 20248 217 439
2002 330 27913 380 1074
2003 431 31703 521 1830
2004 400 26274 497 2233
2005 447 28230 578 3089
2006 549 40163 688 2317
2007 499 32382 610 2325
2008 519 28915 674 4503
2009 432 26644 552 5444
2010 421 25315 534 4050
2011 441 23554 577 5871
2012 453 25514 552 7534
2013 425 23131 518 7470
2014 405 20297 492 6705
2015 429 20596 491 7411
2016 440 19134 530 7473
2017 472 25357 579 11065
2018 459 15413 515 7935
2019 421 10940 471 9748
2020 390 8278 416 13202
2021 378 6731 410 4647
2022 367 5055 378 6299
2023 440 3605 453 6303
2024 497 2191 514 17619
2025 89 135 90 976
Total 10387 505856 12297  

* Note: this is a lower limit since it refers to Category 1 papers only.

The Chandra Bibliography Database:

The Chandra Bibliography Database allows the public to search all Chandra-related articles and to follow links from the data to the literature, as well as from the literature to the data. Thanks to the Astrophysics Data System (ADS), publication data are highly complete, and relatively easy to track. We query the ADS daily for publications related to Chandra or to X-ray astronomy, and we are complete from before Chandra's launch. We review the publications, categorize them by several different parameters, and enter them into the Bibliography Database. For publications that present, analyze, or refer to Chandra data, we determine the ObsIds involved (either from the text or by asking the authors). ObsIds allow links to other information, such as Chandra Proposal Database items like scientific category and proposal type.

(You Know What They Say About) Statistics:

The Chandra Biliography Database allows for the compilation of a large number of publication statistics. We create selected data tables and plots, linked below, which are updated monthly. The resulting plots and statistics have the potential for misinterpretation, unless one is alert to embedded assumptions and details affecting the tally. For instance, most plots linked here (except those by publication year) include only refereed journal articles that present specific Chandra observations, and all plots tally only programs whose observations are complete. We strongly recommend reading both the NOTES and CAVEATS and the DEFINITIONS and CONVENTIONS, as a guide for interpreting the plots linked below. If you have pressing questions or concerns, please contact Paul Green of the Chandra Director's Office.

Plots and Data:

Refereed Chandra Science Papers by Publication Year
Citations to Refereed Chandra Science Papers by Publication Year
Plots and Data for Category 1 papers only

Supporting Documents: