Off-axis encircled energy, XRCF and MARX+SAOSAC
Figure 1 shows the 70 and 90% encircled energy radii vs. distance
off-axis for ACIS-I and ACIS-S. After calculating the off-axis
encircled energy for the XRCF data, we
ran MARX simulations of the off-axis ACIS-I images, using SAOSAC
rayfiles. (Most of the ACIS-S images are on the S3 chip, which MARX is
currently unable to simulate.) We processed this data in the same way
as the XRCF data, and plotted the two encircled energy data sets on
the same plot for comparison (Figure 2).
NOTE: These plots were originally made using high-speed tap
data. Recently we found that those eventlists were missing about 3/4
of the events. To correct this, we ran our analysis procedure on the
level 1 data and generated new plots. At the moment we don't have
level 1 Al-Ka data; it will be posted here as soon as it's available.
Figure 1.
Move pointer over data points to see a summary in the status bar of
your browser
Click on any data point to see its source data

Full-size .GIF
Data table: XRCF off-axis EER
Postscript plot
Figure 2.
Move pointer over data points to see a summary in the status bar of
your browser
Click on any data point to see its source data

Full-size .GIF
Data table: MARX off-axis EER
Postscript plot