Count Rate Linearity Results
Count Rate Linearity measurements were conducted at the XRCF to verify
one-to-one input photon, output event detection performance of the HRC
under normal operating conditions. The HRC will nominally be limited
to observing objects with counting rates below 5 cts/s in the on-axis
focused beam (i.e. less than 2 cts/s per micro-channel pore).
To date several analyses have been performed on the data and all are
in agreement that the detectors' performance was linear at rates up to
twice the normal operating limits.
The following are excerpts from two SPIE papers presented in 1997 (vol.
For the HRC-I:
"Performance and Calibration of the AXAF High Resolution Camera
the Imaging Detector"
Kenter, Chappel, Kobayashi, Kraft,
Meehan, Murray, Zombeck, Fraser, Pearson, Lees, Brunton, Pearce,
Barbera, Collura, & Serio
For the HRC-S:
"Performance and Calibration of
the AXAF High Resolution Camera II:
the Spectroscopic Detector"
Kraft, Chappel, Kenter,
Kobayashi, Meehan, Murray, Zombeck, Fraser, Pearson, Lees, Brunton,
Barbera, Collura, & Serio
Results from the ASC analysis of both detectors:
Contact CXC Calibration
( for further information